Doctor Manal Alia Rheumatologist Doctor Rheumatology Specialized in: Adult Rheumatology ، Pediatric Rheumatology ، Reservation details Specialties of the Doctor Send Send About the Doctor Doctor Rheumatology Specialty Adult Rheumatology Present in Medina Reservation details at Doctor Manal Alia Reservation details Clinic address of Doctor Manal Alia Area: Medina Clinic of Doctor Manal Alia on the map Consult Doctor Manal Alia by phone 09663926444 Know consultation price of Doctor Manal Alia Click here to know doctor's consultation price Sub-Specialties Adult Rheumatology Pediatric Rheumatology Services provided by Doctor Manal Alia Acute and chronic costochondritis autoimmune sclerosis Osteoarthritis of the joints and knees red melt Rheumatoid Arthritis rheumatoid immune system Spinal stiffness Show more About the Doctor Doctor Rheumatology Specialty Adult Rheumatology Present in Medina